Green Network Technology

Reduce the Flaring of Gas

Considerable energy waste occurs in the operations of oil and gas companies. One of these sources is gas flaring associated with the production of oil.
Flaring of this gas wastes a valuable clean energy resource that can be used to reduce inefficiencies and increase energy access in many developing countries where much of the oil is produced. Technologies exist to capture the flared gas, but gas utilization needs to be improved, as does the distribution infrastructure so that producers can unlock the value of currently wasted natural gas.
Oil and gas companies should focus on four areas of gas flaring reduction to improve energy efficiency, expand access to energy, and contribute to climate change mitigation:

  • Commercialization of associated gas requires infrastructure, pipeline networks, liquefaction facilities, and small-scale gas-to-liquid technologies for economically viable utilization on-site, and for distribution to local markets.
  • Working with governments to put effective regulations in place for associated gas, and to create incentives such as Carbon Finance Funds or Clean Development Mechanisms.
  • Implementation of a global flaring and venting reduction standard.
  • Capacity building to obtain carbon credits for flaring and venting reduction projects.


Expertise Industry Oil & Gas Reduce the Flaring of Gas