Green Network Technology

Enable Access to Clean Cooking and Heating Solutions


Use Innovative Business Models and Create New Products and Services to Improve Energy Affordability and to Enable Access to Clean Cooking and Heating Solutions.

Providing access to energy and clean cooking and heating solutions to low income populations may not always be just about new and innovative large scale technological or infrastructure solutions, but about using a company's core competencies, eliminating waste, adapting the industry's traditional business model and designing products to meet the low income population needs in developed and developing economies.

Activities across the entire supply chain; upstream and downstream, can capture and use waste streams to provide energy to local communities, in the event the surrounding community does not have energy or is under-served. Access to energy also means giving economic access to services. Low income populations (living in both urban and rural areas) sometimes cannot afford the costs of energy consumption provided to their homes. Abating the cost of bills through creative financing is a way to help low income customers pay their consumption and at the same time guarantee them an effective service.


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Available Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 6 PM EST

Location: Lisbon